Infants Program
- Finger foods should become part of breakfast/lunch/snack at 12 months.
- Cups should start at 12 months
- Spoon feeding self should begin at 15 months or earlier.
- Heating bottles is always done in a crock pot (never microwave).
- Breastfeeding is always welcome
- Parents are always welcome to drop in for a visit!
- Napping – Please don’t wake sleeping babies.
- Siblings may visit during the day but should not enter the nursery during pickup and dropoff times.
Toddler Program
Our toddler program is designed to teach discovery of learning. The planned curriculum allows for growth through discovery and exploration of your child’s physical and social environments. The children develop at their own pace via many hands-on activities. We ease transition from “toddlerdom” to preschool with loving support and enthusiasm. Parent input and support is always welcome; and is a necessity during toilet training.
Preschool Program
The preschool program is a whole language program based on weekly themes. In an open classroom environment, mixed ages will benefit through modeling and helping each other. The curriculum is a two-level program created to meet the individual needs of the child. As the child reaches a higher developmental level they will start to do the higher level activities. Because we desire to strengthen the child’s natural love of learning, we also make the most of the many teachable moments experienced each day. Creativity is encouraged in all areas and activities.
School-Age Program
Our goal to build and strengthen friendships will enable the children to discover their strengths and will allow for self-exploration.
Examples of Developmental Skills:
Fine Motor
Using fingers to explore and manipulate
Gross Motor
Moving body parts to become mobile and explore the environment
Interacting and responding to adults and other children
Self Help
Playing with toys, problem solving, and imitating
Toddler Curriculum (continued)
To achieve these goals with a more individualistic approach, the toddler program is divided into two smaller classrooms with one used for ages 18 month to 24 month and the other for ages 24 months to 36 months.
Our goal is to foster and stimulate their journey from:
toddling → running
parallel play → interactive play
babbles → intelligible speech
needing help → wanting help
reactive thinking → rational thinking
demands → requests
- Ratio: 1 adult for 5 children
- P.M. Snacks
- Milk at lunch/ juice with snacks
7:00 – 8:00 Breakfast & Free Play
8:00 – 9:30 Small Group Activity/Diapers
9:30 – 9:45 Snack
9:45 – 10:30 Center Time (circle, project)
10:30 – 11:15 Outside Play
11:15 – 12:30 Lunch/ Diapers
12:30 – 2:30 Nap
2:30 – 3:30 Quiet Time/ Diapers
3:30 – 3:45 Snack
3:45 – 5:00 Outside Play/ Gross Motor Activity
4:45 – 5:00 Diapers
5:00 – 6:00 Free Play
1. All lunches must be eaten as prepared. (no microwave is available).
2. Breakfast will be allowed until 8:00 AM only.
3. Items requiring the use of a spoon are to be left at home unless the child has the ability to use spoons.
4. All cups must have sippy lids.
5. No raisins, uncut grapes, popcorn, uncut hot-dogs, marshmallows, nuts, seeds, gum, dried fruit, cough drops, candy. 6. While eating, all children are asked to remain seated at a table.
1. All toddlers will receive a cot sheet (to be taken home weekly).
2. Only security items will be allowed on the cot.
3. Small blankets welcomed- no sleeping bags, comforters or standard-size pillows.
4. Children receive one-on-one attention at naptime when they are patted to sleep.
5. Approximate naptime- 12:30 – 2:30.
6. Children are allowed to wake up on their own.
What is a Toddler?
Webster defines a toddler as ” one that toddles”. At Wigwam we know there is more to a toddler than the way they walk. This time is the most difficult yet most rewarding stage in a child’s development. From 18 months to 2-1/2 years of age a toddler experiences the full range of social, emotional, and personality growth. Learning comes from hands-on exposure which means three steps forward and two steps back. While trying to master their world, toddlers continually test reality. Our objective is to catch them when they fall, hug them when they succeed, encourage them when they are unsure, and give them boundaries when they go too far. By providing a secure, nurturing, loving environment our toddlers become confident, unique three year olds.
What Can Parents Do?
Watch and wait and listen
As I learn and grow
Know when to let me have my way
And when to tell me, “No!”
Help me when I need you
But it’s OK to let me cry.
I’ll never learn to do things If I never get to try!
Give me your time, not your treasures,
Read me a story or two.
And remember that being my parents Is a most special job to do!
Terry Lynn Graham
- Hourly: one box of wipes (80 count) for each child every other month.
- Plan 23: one box of wipes (80 count) for each child per month.
- Plan 35, 45, and 60: two boxes of wipes (80 count) for each child per month.
Projects coordinate with our weekly themes and develop sensory awareness and exploration. These may include:
- painting (brush, finger, marble)
- coloring (crayons, chalk, markers)
- gluing
- stringing (macaroni, beads)
- folding -play (whipped cream, rice, peanut butter, spaghetti, pudding)
- Gross Motor
- dancing
- instruments
- jumping
- rolling
- climbing
- tunnel play
- circle games
- more fun ways to use our bodies
Free Play – Teachers place themselves in various areas of the room while children are able to choose freely between many different toys. They may play individually, with another child or with a teacher.
Circle Time – This is a group activity where teachers and children talk about the theme, read stories, play name games, do finger plays, and sing songs; all in an attempt to develop language skills, new words and stories using the flannel board, puppets, picture box and other manipulatives.
- Fine Motor
- Dumping and filling
- puzzles
- Clothespin play
- Coloring
- Playdough
- Stacking
- Sorting
- Much, much more
Infant Program (continued)
The goal of the infant program is centered around the idea that children play to learn. The age-appropriate activities allow children to explore and manipulate in order to create a hands-on, minds-on environment.
Our Viewpoints
1. Finger foods- should become part of breakfast/lunch/snack at 12 months.
2. Cups should start at 12 months.
3. Spoon feeding self- should begin at 15 months or earlier.
4. Cloth diapers- allowed up to 6 months.
5. Heating bottles- always done in crockpot (never microwave).
6. Breastfeeding- always welcome.
7. Dropping in- parents are always welcome to visit!
8. Napping- do not wake sleeping babies.
9. Siblings may visit during the day, but should not come into the nursery during pickup and drop-off times.
Helpful Hints
1. If child is absent or going to be absent, talk to head teacher.
2. To help keep the rug clean where babies are crawling, please check your shoes for dirt.
3. Please tell us how strictly or how flexibly to follow your child’s schedule.
4. If your child typically cries when you reenter the room, have another teacher bring back any forgotten items.
5. Please do not pick up other children.
6. Please share suggestions/ concerns. Don’t go home with unanswered questions.
What Wigwam Provides
- Cheerios
- Weekly Papoose Newsletter
- Helpful parenting videotapes
- Challenging projects
Preschool Curriculum (continued)
Why Wigwam?
- Experienced, creative, caring, consistent staff
- Many chances to experience everyday life outside of school
- “Please Touch” approach to play and structured activities
- Parent/family support system with parental involvement encouraged in school activities.
Class Schedule
7:00 – 8:30 Open Classroom & Free Play
8:30 – 9:15 Outside/Group Game
9:15 – 9:45 Opening Circle/Exercises
9:45 – 10:00 Learning Circle*
10:00 – 11:15 Learning Centers/Snack
11:15 – 11:45 Outside
11:45 – 12:00 Lunch Prep
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch*
12:30 – 12:45 Cleanup/Bathroom
12:45 – 2:45 Nap
2:45 – 3:00 Rise & Shine
3:00 – 3:15 Storytime*
3:15 – 4:00 Centers
4:00 – 5:00 Outside/Snack
5:00 – 5:30 Open Classroom & Free Play
* May change according to teacher’s discretion
Naptime Procedures
The children are expected to sleep or rest quietly on cots between 1:00 an 3:00 PM. One half hour before the sleepers rise, non-sleepers and early risers will be able to work independently on fine motor activities until naptime is over. Cot sheets are included in the activity fee. They are sent home at the end of the week to be laundered. Only security items and small blankets are welcomed. No sleeping bags, comforters, or standard-size pillows.
At the conclusion of your child’s year in the upper level (the June before entering Kindergarten), children and parents are invited to join us in a formal graduation ceremony. Cap, gown, report card, diploma and a graduation party are part of the celebration
Circle Time
A daily event introducing or enriching the weekly theme and letter through teacher-lead discussions, songs, books, finger-plays and games. Popular children’s literature is used to enhance comprehension of the concept, encourage the love of reading, and inspire the imagination.
Center Time
During center time, independent preschoolers choose an area to do hands-on learning.
These include:
- Books/Listening Manipulatives
- Blocks Dramatic Play
- Imaginative Art Sensory Table
- Science/Nature
- Themes Project Area Math Readiness
- “Writing” Center Lifeskills (snacks)
Centers include, but not limited to
Puppetry, painting (finger & easel), marble-works, Brio trains, sand, geoboards, story tapes, magnets, musical instruments, assorted puzzles, water play, doll house, etc.
Educational goals for center time are
- Elementary use of scissors
- Recognition of name in print
- Ability to print first name
- Self-dressing
- Rote counting to 20
- Recognition of numbers to 10
- Recognition of some shapes
- (Circle, rectangle, triangle, square)
- Color recognition (8 basic)
- General awareness of seasons
- Days of the week (rote)
- Recognition of major body parts
- Recognition of some letters
- Accept and respond to adult authority
- Respect and show concern for people and things
- Playing and sharing cooperatively with others
- Appropriate control over feelings
- Lengthening attention span
School-Age Curriculum (continued)
As a nation our most important resource is children. Through the wonder of a happy, supportive childhood a child can gather the tools he or she will need to function as a productive adult in our society. In many situations, the job of providing this environment is taken on by the parents. But an increasingly large number of children are turning to teachers and administrators to fill these roles. Children require the opportunity to grow at their own pace, therefore, a curriculum should remain flexible as well as provide basic knowledge on which they will be able to build learning skills for a lifetime. As a licensed school we are responsible for launching students’ academic and social careers. Through our hands-on curriculum, social experiences, field trips, intergenerational activities, and physical environment we are prepared to meet the needs of our students and give them the tools to become successful students as well as valuable resources to our society.
Parents are required to make arrangements with Transporation Services, Inc. Bussing is available from:
- Vernfield Elementary
- Penn View Christian
- St. Mary’s
* A.M bus for Vernfield arrives between 8:00 and 8:30
* P.M. bus for elementary schools arrive between 3:30 and 4:00
The qualified, caring, and enthusiastic staff consists of certified teachers with Bachelor of Science degrees in Early Childhood and Elementary Ed., as well as aids currently enrolled in college education courses. The staff is also certified in First Aid and CPR.
After Kindergarten Schedule
11:45-12:00 Drop-off & lunch prep
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:15 Quiet Time
1:15-2:00 Free Play & Recess
2:00-2:30 Social Studies M/W/F
2:30-3:15 Art-M, Music-T, Library-W, Cooking-Th, Literature-F
3:15-3:30 Closing Circle
3:30-4:00 Group Games
4:00-4:10 Snack
4:10-6:00* See School Schedule
*Subject to change depending on enrollment
School-Age Schedule
(1st-5th grade)
7:00-8:15 Free Time (homework help available)
3:30-3:45 Arrival
3:45-4:00 Hangman
4:00-4:10 Snack
4:10-4:40 Activity and/or homework time
4:40-4:45 Clean up
4:45-6:00 Free Time
School-Age Sensational Summer
When: Mid-June to first week in September
8:30-9:15 Kid Talk/What’s Happening!
9:15-10:00 Adventure I
10:00-10:30 Snack
10:30-11:00 Cooperative Games
11:00-12:00 Adventure II
12:00-1:30 Lunch/Journal Time/Recess
1:30-2:30 Great Outdoors/Splash Park
2:30-3:30 Relaxations Stations
3:30-4:00 Snack
4:00-4:30 Reading Roundup
4:30-5:00 Indoor Games/Free Choice
Children arriving before 8:30 and staying after 4:30 will be involved with indoor/outdoor directed activities.
Programs Include
- Individual
- Cooperative
- Themed
Computer Access
Reading Program
- Library Trips
- Novels
Outside Play
- Playground
- Open Spaces
- Water Activities
- Group Games
- Competitive & Non-Competitive
- Student & Teacher Directed
- Parachute
- Team Sports
Planned Special Events
- All Day Field Trips
- Monthly Themed Celebrations
Learning Centers
- Creative Expression
- Subject Enrichment
- Geography
- Social Studies
- Math
- Science and Health
- Reading
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Gross and Fine Motor Skills
- Kindles
- Short, Local Trips (school playgrounds, water park, tree swing)
- Weekly Puzzles
- Various Board Games
- K’Nex
Contact Us
Need to reach out to us? Looking to enroll your child in our classes? Please use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Contact Us
873 Harleysville Pike, Harleysville, PA 19438
M-F: 6:30 AM–6 PM
© 2021 Wigwam Day Care School, Inc. | Site: BCG